Wednesday 20 September 2017



Written By: Niyati Roy

Sleep is needed for restoration especially for brain. The body’s metabolism slows down to aid this process to allow restorative processes to take over. The sleeping brain has shown to remove metabolic waste products at a faster rate than during an awake state. Anabolic hormones such as growth hormones are secreted preferentially during sleep1. It has been shown that sleep deprivation affects the immune system as there is a lessening of white blood cells.2

Scientists have also demonstrated in various ways that sleep can enhance memory. Procedural memory (memory for motor skills) benefits from late, REM-rich sleep, whereas declarative memory (memory for general knowledge) benefits from early, slow wave-rich sleep.3

Hence younger adults (aged 18-25) need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep every night to ensure cognitive and physical restoration4. Sleep is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle and paired with exercise and a healthy diet ensures greater wellbeing.


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